Wednesday, May 6, 2009


a deep hole in the ground, generally filled with water....

I have been overweight for basically my entire adult life. I started gaining weight after college when my girlfriend and I would go for a walk, ending up at a Tastee Freeze (burgers and icecream joint with a full breaky menu) several mornings a week... we were also both working there and eating there... we ballooned! Me up to 255 pounds in the course of about 4 years. I never even realized until one day when I saw a picture of me and thought wowsers! Got on the scale to see what wowsers really meant.. scary!

I lost weight all those years ago by drinking lots of water, watching portion sizes, moving more.. not a lot more but more and trying to stay away from the 'whites'.. white sugar, flour, rice and pasta. It took me 2 years but I got down 193 and hit a plateau.... for years and years.. went back to some of my bad choices, moved less, drank less water, more 'other' stuff.. but still stayed right between 193 and 200 until I got pregnant with my twin boys.. I really was able to keep it under control and only gained 21 pounds. And within a month of their early delivery I was back to the 195 mark.

I"ve pretty much stayed there bouncing between 195 and 210 since they were born 5 years ago but this spring I decided to get serious again.. started cutting back, moving more, and watching the whites again. I've been able to keep it below 200 and then 2 weeks ago I decided that for this summer when I meet a bunch of friends at STampin' Up! Convention, that I wanted to be less... I've got a 30 pound goal which is 2 pounds a week.. totally doable if I stay on track. And since that decision I have lost down to 187.5 as of yesterday morning. I haven't seen the 180's in almost 20 years!!!! Wow! What a feeling! I"m getting more energy, my drive (in all ways) is increasing and my clothes are starting to get loser.

It's great motivation and as part of that motivation I want post pictures and measurements here.

My goal is 160 pounds by August 1st... it will be a challenge but I think I'm up for it again. Picture to come :)